Democrazy triple monitor gaming laptop to a dancing dr. fujii to and say make a display that acts as many pixels as for 4K monitors this is some of the best tech at CES 2017 you guys Jonathan here just got back from CES Jose Giants crazy massive text Shawn what I want to do is break it down at the five of the coolest piece of tech and gadgets that I saw and she was such a Samsung for sending me out there and sponsoring my 2017 CES coverage that's peaking a Samsung they were killing The hometech Games first up is there brand new family of 2.0 refrigerator line up so I think it to yourself how much tax is actually be inside of refrigerator this is pack and a mass of 21/2 inch Touch ID display no joke this display is massive but it works because essentially becomes your central control panel with also right as there is now integrated voice control was to be honest I really to get a chance to check out because of how loud it was on the floor but the idea is you can use your voice to look up stuck in your fridge to order groceries or even look up a recipe that speak in the recipes but I found a really cool affects not only will this play the recipe on the giant display you also read it back to you allowed hands down the coolest feature with this so are the Ninja cameras inside nothing like most of us out there at one point in our lives have been yelled at for leaving that refrigerator door open and as alleviate that but it also does loves you to check them inside your frigerator remotely at any given time to this case of the store not sure if you bought eggs or milk if not check on your phone to see what's inside your fridge which is awesome know what is Oprah Samsung with a flex wash and flex dry washers and dryers in these are especially cool because you have your main compartments of front and a second compartment of top reconnect the two separate loads either separate or simultaneously so that deal with this is your normal large wash you can do in the main compartment in the coffee can use it for smaller things like delegates and since we don't need to run a large watch you can simply run the top of what that's going to do a Sables energy and water them from their jumper from home text to Crazy technician I thought the Acer $9,000 gaming laptop was the crazy the thing I was going to see if so yes that was overtaken by razors project Valerie which is a monstrous triple monitor gaming laptop no fortunately as if they someone straight home alone those laptops at the CVS flow which is crazy because one if you sell it you're going to get busted into you make a video you're going to get busted so really the only thing I could think of as someone looking for Intel or secret information but either way whoever took those laptop should probably give him back as far as the tech inside project this is crazy to be single laptop that packs triple Fork a 17-point 3-inch this place it was really loved the card numbers out there that is a massive total resolution of 11520 by 2160 which is Bonkers not powering this laptop is a full-fledge NVIDIA GTX 1080 were seen to do the job really well unfortunately person did not get a Hands-On with that rather simply got to Admire from a distance and a Plexi glass container to because that I really get a chance to see the displays open up like a Tesla Model X or really test gameplay with from what I can see it it's really impressive my latest video talked about a PC dream guess with that crazy Acer Predator laptop that after seeing this I think I've changed my mind that you agree let me know what's up in a life down below the next to me from other craziness to a single display if you look pixels take a deep breath because dillonvale they're insane 32-inch 8K display the bisulfate K sounds crazy but we put it into perspective it makes it all the more insane because that is equivalent to 4 4K monitors the total resolution is 76-80 but 4320 and if the visual for 4K monitors wasn't enough that is equivalent to 16 1080p displays the only thing more massive than the resolution of this matter is the price tag will just coming in at nearly five thousand bucks obviously this isn't really good for your average consumer the price tags and saying you need to cables to drive as a 60 hertz and honestly I don't think the technology is quite there to use it on a day-to-day basis yet the practicalities I told my God seen an 8K display up close insane he better detail you could see on this will blow your mind we could really see the difference is where you resumed in looking at the picture and you're thinking to yourself yeah that looks good it's sharper than holy crap they send out and you can see how massive that image what's and personally as much as I love pics as I don't think it's something realistically I'm going to use any time soon but if you had your choice would you choose the Crazy Ray's at your mother's day new laptop or this 8K display the next up a number for something you might not expect of talking about laptops that K displays but I guess that I thought was really cool with the Polaroid pop it didn't check them out yet is some friends have really made their way back with the problem is specialist Polaroid is those prints from never the true three by four sides but with their 80th anniversary they have made their way back so the Polar Pop that shoots and Prince 314 instant photos using English paper respect in the 20 megapixel camera with dual-led flash and was not for kids can also record 1080p video Never mother to check out with a pre-production you so did not power on but the actual production model off for someone to drop I will definitely get my hands on it last of a number five brand new 4 CES 2017 is a Panasonic gh5 the follow-up to the highly sought-after and love GH4 the big improvements with the gh5 is that a no shoot 4K video up to 60 FPS personally I am team 24 barakati 60fps being a really useful to be use that for slow motion salsa close the fact that there is no internal image stabilization what is actually really important we see that on Sony bodies the idea here is instead of image stabilization solely on the land it's actually happen inside the body and where this is really useful as if you used in a lens that doesn't have image stabilization that's going to add the element to your shooting there now also dual SD card slot we can record you separately or use as a backup and potentially the two biggest selling point of the Jays five or one the fact that the crop factor is never moving second that is supposed to perform better and lowlights first they are rude and get a chance to test that much on the show floor and see yes really isn't the best place to do that with the one thing I can attest to her girls to test it or not it is again the fact that the crop factor is gone which is actually a really big deal first thing that comes to that Mark that I tend to lean towards the Sony side of things that I'm really interested in seeing how the chase 5 performs either way there a ton of really cool text kickoff 2017 already again huge set the Samsung for making my coverage possible as far as your favorite tech let me know 

Top 5 New Tech & Gadgets of 2017!

Democrazy triple monitor gaming laptop to a dancing dr. fujii to and say make a display that acts as many pixels as for 4K monitors this is some of the best tech at CES 2017 you guys Jonathan here just got back from CES Jose Giants crazy massive text Shawn what I want to do is break it down at the five of the coolest piece of tech and gadgets that I saw and she was such a Samsung for sending me out there and sponsoring my 2017 CES coverage that's peaking a Samsung they were killing The hometech Games first up is there brand new family of 2.0 refrigerator line up so I think it to yourself how much tax is actually be inside of refrigerator this is pack and a mass of 21/2 inch Touch ID display no joke this display is massive but it works because essentially becomes your central control panel with also right as there is now integrated voice control was to be honest I really to get a chance to check out because of how loud it was on the floor but the idea is you can use your voice to look up stuck in your fridge to order groceries or even look up a recipe that speak in the recipes but I found a really cool affects not only will this play the recipe on the giant display you also read it back to you allowed hands down the coolest feature with this so are the Ninja cameras inside nothing like most of us out there at one point in our lives have been yelled at for leaving that refrigerator door open and as alleviate that but it also does loves you to check them inside your frigerator remotely at any given time to this case of the store not sure if you bought eggs or milk if not check on your phone to see what's inside your fridge which is awesome know what is Oprah Samsung with a flex wash and flex dry washers and dryers in these are especially cool because you have your main compartments of front and a second compartment of top reconnect the two separate loads either separate or simultaneously so that deal with this is your normal large wash you can do in the main compartment in the coffee can use it for smaller things like delegates and since we don't need to run a large watch you can simply run the top of what that's going to do a Sables energy and water them from their jumper from home text to Crazy technician I thought the Acer $9,000 gaming laptop was the crazy the thing I was going to see if so yes that was overtaken by razors project Valerie which is a monstrous triple monitor gaming laptop no fortunately as if they someone straight home alone those laptops at the CVS flow which is crazy because one if you sell it you're going to get busted into you make a video you're going to get busted so really the only thing I could think of as someone looking for Intel or secret information but either way whoever took those laptop should probably give him back as far as the tech inside project this is crazy to be single laptop that packs triple Fork a 17-point 3-inch this place it was really loved the card numbers out there that is a massive total resolution of 11520 by 2160 which is Bonkers not powering this laptop is a full-fledge NVIDIA GTX 1080 were seen to do the job really well unfortunately person did not get a Hands-On with that rather simply got to Admire from a distance and a Plexi glass container to because that I really get a chance to see the displays open up like a Tesla Model X or really test gameplay with from what I can see it it's really impressive my latest video talked about a PC dream guess with that crazy Acer Predator laptop that after seeing this I think I've changed my mind that you agree let me know what's up in a life down below the next to me from other craziness to a single display if you look pixels take a deep breath because dillonvale they're insane 32-inch 8K display the bisulfate K sounds crazy but we put it into perspective it makes it all the more insane because that is equivalent to 4 4K monitors the total resolution is 76-80 but 4320 and if the visual for 4K monitors wasn't enough that is equivalent to 16 1080p displays the only thing more massive than the resolution of this matter is the price tag will just coming in at nearly five thousand bucks obviously this isn't really good for your average consumer the price tags and saying you need to cables to drive as a 60 hertz and honestly I don't think the technology is quite there to use it on a day-to-day basis yet the practicalities I told my God seen an 8K display up close insane he better detail you could see on this will blow your mind we could really see the difference is where you resumed in looking at the picture and you're thinking to yourself yeah that looks good it's sharper than holy crap they send out and you can see how massive that image what's and personally as much as I love pics as I don't think it's something realistically I'm going to use any time soon but if you had your choice would you choose the Crazy Ray's at your mother's day new laptop or this 8K display the next up a number for something you might not expect of talking about laptops that K displays but I guess that I thought was really cool with the Polaroid pop it didn't check them out yet is some friends have really made their way back with the problem is specialist Polaroid is those prints from never the true three by four sides but with their 80th anniversary they have made their way back so the Polar Pop that shoots and Prince 314 instant photos using English paper respect in the 20 megapixel camera with dual-led flash and was not for kids can also record 1080p video Never mother to check out with a pre-production you so did not power on but the actual production model off for someone to drop I will definitely get my hands on it last of a number five brand new 4 CES 2017 is a Panasonic gh5 the follow-up to the highly sought-after and love GH4 the big improvements with the gh5 is that a no shoot 4K video up to 60 FPS personally I am team 24 barakati 60fps being a really useful to be use that for slow motion salsa close the fact that there is no internal image stabilization what is actually really important we see that on Sony bodies the idea here is instead of image stabilization solely on the land it's actually happen inside the body and where this is really useful as if you used in a lens that doesn't have image stabilization that's going to add the element to your shooting there now also dual SD card slot we can record you separately or use as a backup and potentially the two biggest selling point of the Jays five or one the fact that the crop factor is never moving second that is supposed to perform better and lowlights first they are rude and get a chance to test that much on the show floor and see yes really isn't the best place to do that with the one thing I can attest to her girls to test it or not it is again the fact that the crop factor is gone which is actually a really big deal first thing that comes to that Mark that I tend to lean towards the Sony side of things that I'm really interested in seeing how the chase 5 performs either way there a ton of really cool text kickoff 2017 already again huge set the Samsung for making my coverage possible as far as your favorite tech let me know 

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