Google is killing off the Google Now launcher why we don't know but what does this move mean for consumers and smartphone manufacturers let's take a closer look to start off it's worth reader rating just what is a launcher unless you're really into jailbreaking there's really only one way to use an iPhone you have pages of apps that's light on the top for your notifications in the slider on the bottom for a quick actions like controlling your WiFi Android ecosystems a lot more diverse that's why when you get used to one Android phone in your pick up a different Android phone it feels different one way to help improve the familiarity on Android phones every time you buy a new Android device you can install your own launcher and customize it so that it feels the same as previous phones you found Android is made and supported by Google so maybe consider installing good Google develop launcher while other companies look at a ton of features Google's approach focus on a fluid interface and ease-of-use well we now have official word from Google that by the end of this quarter the Google Now launcher will be no more for manufacturers there's an official have apps on Google requires companies to install on their phones before they ship them out not only is the Now Launcher being delisted but any phones manufactured after the cut off date will no longer be certified by Google that's a pretty Stark encouragement to make your manufacturers get on board for those companies the Fila Google Launcher should be maintained one of the Hallmarks of the Now Launcher is the left swipe to the side where you have your feed a customized list of notifications in news articles and I can still be activated by companies looking to maintain that looking Feel So Many Factors could go with the stock Android open source project Launcher add that left swipe feeding most consumers probably wouldn't know the difference it does get a little trickier for consumers however the Google Now launcher app will be pulled from the Google Play Store for any future devices you might buy it's going to be increasingly difficult install that launcher know the app will be pulled from the Play Store as long as you keep updating your Google search app your Google Now Launcher will continue to receive support when I really sure how that's going to work if you side load the Google Now launcher after the cut off date we would imagine Google will continue to support that too but the tricky part for those folks who don't want to have to manually install apps on the side what might this mean for them if they want it in Salt Lake simple and free want her to clean up their phone doesn't look like Google's going to be loosening the reins on the pixel launcher that's going to stay on Pixel phones there are a number of fantastic their party options and I'm a big fan of Nova Launcher for example it really will be a bummer if there isn't a first-party Google Android solution for people looking to customize their Android devices and Whores we want to hear from you do you use the Google Now launcher are you looking at what alternatives you might be able to install or are you hoping that this is going to be a move were Google will open up the pixel launcher.

RIP Google Now Launcher: What's next for Android fans and manufacturers?

Google is killing off the Google Now launcher why we don't know but what does this move mean for consumers and smartphone manufacturers let's take a closer look to start off it's worth reader rating just what is a launcher unless you're really into jailbreaking there's really only one way to use an iPhone you have pages of apps that's light on the top for your notifications in the slider on the bottom for a quick actions like controlling your WiFi Android ecosystems a lot more diverse that's why when you get used to one Android phone in your pick up a different Android phone it feels different one way to help improve the familiarity on Android phones every time you buy a new Android device you can install your own launcher and customize it so that it feels the same as previous phones you found Android is made and supported by Google so maybe consider installing good Google develop launcher while other companies look at a ton of features Google's approach focus on a fluid interface and ease-of-use well we now have official word from Google that by the end of this quarter the Google Now launcher will be no more for manufacturers there's an official have apps on Google requires companies to install on their phones before they ship them out not only is the Now Launcher being delisted but any phones manufactured after the cut off date will no longer be certified by Google that's a pretty Stark encouragement to make your manufacturers get on board for those companies the Fila Google Launcher should be maintained one of the Hallmarks of the Now Launcher is the left swipe to the side where you have your feed a customized list of notifications in news articles and I can still be activated by companies looking to maintain that looking Feel So Many Factors could go with the stock Android open source project Launcher add that left swipe feeding most consumers probably wouldn't know the difference it does get a little trickier for consumers however the Google Now launcher app will be pulled from the Google Play Store for any future devices you might buy it's going to be increasingly difficult install that launcher know the app will be pulled from the Play Store as long as you keep updating your Google search app your Google Now Launcher will continue to receive support when I really sure how that's going to work if you side load the Google Now launcher after the cut off date we would imagine Google will continue to support that too but the tricky part for those folks who don't want to have to manually install apps on the side what might this mean for them if they want it in Salt Lake simple and free want her to clean up their phone doesn't look like Google's going to be loosening the reins on the pixel launcher that's going to stay on Pixel phones there are a number of fantastic their party options and I'm a big fan of Nova Launcher for example it really will be a bummer if there isn't a first-party Google Android solution for people looking to customize their Android devices and Whores we want to hear from you do you use the Google Now launcher are you looking at what alternatives you might be able to install or are you hoping that this is going to be a move were Google will open up the pixel launcher.

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